Faculty Release Party

The Chicago Graphic Design Club recently launched its first publication, Faculty. This is a big milestone not just for the Chicago Graphic Design Club but also for me. For years, I’ve wanted to publish a printed publication. In 2016, the name Faculty became something that occupied head space. For a brief while, it existed as an online publication where I interviewed designers in Chicago. Then Faculty became a private design studio — it was my pseudonym for personal work that I would create. In 2023, I decided to finally move forward with my ambition of creating a printed publication and today, finally to be here in my house, sitting beside boxes of publications and envelopes and mailing slips… It is an amazing feeling. This publication however, could not have been done without the support of the Chicago design community. I specifically want to shout out Cheryl Bever, who was a thought partner and collaborator throughout the production of this first issue. Also, big shout to Sean Fermoyle who graciously allowed us to use his typeface, Process for the masthead.

In less than a month since Faculty’s release, we’ve sold 50% of our inventory. So, thanks to everybody that has purchased a copy. Oh, and also thanks to M&G Graphics — Angie and John Weiss, who printed our issue, which if you’ve held in your hands, you know it feels, so damn good. Quality is amazing. So, you can thank them for that. AND, Ray over at the American Legion Tattler Post #973, who loaned us their space for a welcoming and joyous release party.

You can still purchase a copy here.

Faculty Release Party